It all started on a hot summer day mid 90's picking my niece up form day care. I figured I'd let the car run with the A/C on since I'm only going in for a minute. I come out the door and start hearing the car shuttering and sputtering then just shuts off. I go to restart the car and it turns over and fires for a second and dies immediatly after. So I left it sit when to my buddys house til help could arrive. It sat for 3 hours I'd say and I go to start it and what do you know it fired right up. So now I got a 2005.5 B7 that cranks over when cold and fires right up. Once it gets warm it'll shut down completely and not run for more than a split second. Below I'm going to list parts that I already replaced and I only have one code which is P-0089 Low Fuel Pressure Regulator only comes on when cold start.
EVAP Purge Canister
2 Fuel Pump Control Modules
New Fuel Pump
I jumped to the fuel problem issues where it wasn't neither of them. I'm now considering it maybe the Coolant Temp Sensor or CAM Sensor. Does anyone have any OHM testing numbers for the two? I'm looking to test them on a cold start and once it does its shut down yet again test them once warm to see if one of them maybe the culprit.
Any and all advice will be considered.
Thanks ahead of time!