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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings
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    You can't have anything nice.....

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    I have mentioned ad nauseam about distracted drivers and the problem they pose for all of us out there. I have posted about the miserable driving conditions in the NYC/NE NJ area. I use extra caution when driving, keenly aware of the inconsiderate/poor/distracted drivers on the roads. In fact one of the main reasons I sold my Macan was to get a smaller better commuter car with more safety features as well as easier on the budget to drive and maintain. And I've been driving in the NYC area for 45 years, so I'm familiar with driving in rough areas. And I obviously understand that "accidents" happen any and everywhere. Thinking about it we use the terms accidents too loosely, shouldn't it be called "negligent occurrences?"

    Anyhoooooo, I'm on road not far from me in NJ, heading into NYC this morning, barely any traffic at all, stopped at a light, enjoying that wonderful Bose system, then boom, rear ended by a woman in a van. Turns out she was looking at a map. She was totally and sincerely apologetic, but that's beside the point. I'm guessing a new bumper and hope that the damage is confined to that and nothing more.

    My initial reaction was anger, then after a few moments, some reflection and a basic resignation that putting so much detailing attention, time and care into a 50k car isn't the best allocation of resources - emotional and financial. As much as I like my A4 - I was tinkering with the idea of taking a look at the 2017 S4 next year - and my head still turns when looking at a Macan, l have simply come to the conclusion that you could be the most defensive and skilled driver around, but still at the mercy of all too many poor drivers. Kind of ticks me off, because I was also rear ended in my Q5 2 years ago, same scenario - police report cited "driver inattention." End of the day though, the world did not stop turning, no one was hurt, insurance will pay, I'll probably look into filing a loss of value suit, the car will be fixed good as new and I'll be back in business. But I won't be looking into costly cosmetic or performance upgrades or those $450.00 full coverage floor mats and might even return that not yet delivered black stainless license plate cover.

    I'll still take good care of it - inside and out and enjoy that sporty A4 ride, enjoy and participate in the the Audi forums, but realize, at the end of the day, it's just a car.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings bakedcorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob marino View Post
    I have mentioned ad nauseam about distracted drivers and the problem they pose for all of us out there. I have posted about the miserable driving conditions in the NYC/NE NJ area. I use extra caution when driving, keenly aware of the inconsiderate/poor/distracted drivers on the roads. In fact one of the main reasons I sold my Macan was to get a smaller better commuter car with more safety features as well as easier on the budget to drive and maintain. And I've been driving in the NYC area for 45 years, so I'm familiar with driving in rough areas. And I obviously understand that "accidents" happen any and everywhere. Thinking about it we use the terms accidents too loosely, shouldn't it be called "negligent occurrences?"

    Anyhoooooo, I'm on road not far from me in NJ, heading into NYC this morning, barely any traffic at all, stopped at a light, enjoying that wonderful Bose system, then boom, rear ended by a woman in a van. Turns out she was looking at a map. She was totally and sincerely apologetic, but that's beside the point. I'm guessing a new bumper and hope that the damage is confined to that and nothing more.

    My initial reaction was anger, then after a few moments, some reflection and a basic resignation that putting so much detailing attention, time and care into a 50k car isn't the best allocation of resources - emotional and financial. As much as I like my A4 - I was tinkering with the idea of taking a look at the 2017 S4 next year - and my head still turns when looking at a Macan, l have simply come to the conclusion that you could be the most defensive and skilled driver around, but still at the mercy of all too many poor drivers. Kind of ticks me off, because I was also rear ended in my Q5 2 years ago, same scenario - police report cited "driver inattention." End of the day though, the world did not stop turning, no one was hurt, insurance will pay, I'll probably look into filing a loss of value suit, the car will be fixed good as new and I'll be back in business. But I won't be looking into costly cosmetic or performance upgrades or those $450.00 full coverage floor mats and might even return that not yet delivered black stainless license plate cover.

    I'll still take good care of it - inside and out and enjoy that sporty A4 ride, enjoy and participate in the the Audi forums, but realize, at the end of the day, it's just a car.
    I understand your frustrations and angst. I literally have no patience for horrible, self absorbed drivers. People need to realize that their full concentration is required as one needs to constantly scan the horizon and sides and rear for any potential obstacles or avoidances.
    Its the callus entitlement that drivers have, the idea of sharing the road no longer holds value. Once the turning signal is engaged, the assumption that the right of way no longer exists blows my freaking mind.
    There is very little respect for other peoples shit! I try my best to avoid crowds - I'm referring to those crowded parking lots but if required I will simply park in the most remote location possible. To my dismay, there is always some scumbag that has to park next to me where there are so many other spots available - really?!?!?!?
    I personally lost my shit one day as I parked in the furthest most corner of the lot only to return and to my dismay, some prick literally blocked the driver's door. I white knuckled the shopping cart and rammed it into into his vehicle and left a thank you note to boot!

    You sir are a considerate gentlemen and hopefully one day I too can be "chill" but I'll be damned if I can easily forgive some nut job that decides to ruin a vehicle that I have paid some good bills for - !

    Alas, "Karma is a bitch".

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by bakedcorn View Post
    I understand your frustrations and angst. I literally have no patience for horrible, self absorbed drivers. People need to realize that their full concentration is required as one needs to constantly scan the horizon and sides and rear for any potential obstacles or avoidances.
    Its the callus entitlement that drivers have, the idea of sharing the road no longer holds value. Once the turning signal is engaged, the assumption that the right of way no longer exists blows my freaking mind.
    There is very little respect for other peoples shit! I try my best to avoid crowds - I'm referring to those crowded parking lots but if required I will simply park in the most remote location possible. To my dismay, there is always some scumbag that has to park next to me where there are so many other spots available - really?!?!?!?
    I personally lost my shit one day as I parked in the furthest most corner of the lot only to return and to my dismay, some prick literally blocked the driver's door. I white knuckled the shopping cart and rammed it into into his vehicle and left a thank you note to boot!

    You sir are a considerate gentlemen and hopefully one day I too can be "chill" but I'll be damned if I can easily forgive some nut job that decides to ruin a vehicle that I have paid some good bills for - !

    Alas, "Karma is a bitch".
    Yep, concentration on the road just isn't there, whether texting, talking w/o Blue tooth, as well as treating the crowded highways like a race track and/or tailgaiting, takes a lot of the fun out of daily driving. But regarding your story, did that guy damage your car or just park close? I wasn't sure.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Three Rings bakedcorn's Avatar
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    Parked very close, seemed like he pulled in and couldn't care less.

    I may need to see my therapist to handle my quick temper or maybe simply take a long vacation to some remote island.


    A few weeks ago my wife and I were driving to work and we witnessed a horrible accident two lanes over from us. The driver behind the victim literally forced his way into the lane forcing the vehicle up the barrier whereby the car rolled twice and ended up on its roof. Luckily the two drivers were fine save some cuts and bruises however the aggressor stood his distance without a care in the world or maybe he was in shock.
    All to save a few minutes off the daily commute I assume.

    It's just nuts man. Life is too short.

    Apologies if I've gone off topic or hijacked this thread.

    Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings casualalfredo's Avatar
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    I know the Tri-State area very well........NY many times (actually driving in NYC), and my sister went to RU.................MA is just as bad also. Cut to the chase I was born and grew up here.

    I agree with everything you are saying...........this is why we have higher insurance rates, it just the cost of living up here.........

    Finally, I ALMOST got a Macan but It was at the VERY top of my budget so I came back to my senses........ Love that thing.

    Last but not least............I hate BMW drivers srs yes srs.....most of em.
    currently 2015 S3 Prestige Monsoon Grey Metallic


  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings B G 8er's Avatar
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    LA's not much better and I've been bumped in the rear in my A4 here twice. Fortunately, just damage to the rear bumper cover. Distracted drivers cause major accidents all day long here on the West Coast as well. I think about this every time I take my car out for a drive. Lucky to return in one piece.
    2011 A4 B8 Quattro 6MT, Ice Silver
    led - xeon headlight mod, RS4 Replica grille, A4L fog grilles, side blades, rear lip, Stratmosphere Hyper Shift short throw shifter, Eurocode Alu Kreuz, sways & end-links, Stasis Ohlins coilovers, Neuspeed RSE14's 19x9 ET40, Llumar 40 percent tint, RS4 pedals, black self dim mirror w/compass, saftey triangle w/bracket, luggage net, VAG COM.

  7. #7
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    Damage estimate ~ $2500.00 - all for 2 seconds of inattention.

    IMHO, since this is a no brainer - dead to rights - clearly not paying attention - for whatever reason. There needs to be some type of extra penalty and points assigned as well as some type of driver safety course mandatory. They need to take this type of thing more seriously - yes, I know, it's a fender bender and no one was hurt, but it could have just as easily been a guy on a motorcycle waiting at the light or pedestrian crossing the street and the consequences would have been far different.

  8. #8
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    Completely agree NYC drivers and cabs are the most ruthless drivers on the road .

    Sent from my iPhone using Audizine mobile app

  9. #9
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by A4BATE View Post
    Completely agree NYC drivers and cabs are the most ruthless drivers on the road .

    Sent from my iPhone using Audizine mobile app
    There is some truth in this

  10. #10
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantasiamon View Post
    There is some truth in this
    There's a lot of truth in it, but I mind the other distracted drivers more. It only took a couple of seconds of inattention for this one (and similar funder benders) to happen.

  11. #11
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob marino View Post
    There's a lot of truth in it, but I mind the other distracted drivers more. It only took a couple of seconds of inattention for this one (and similar funder benders) to happen.
    Allow me to rephrase. This is the absolute truth.


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