PART OUT audi s4 b5 2001.5 manual. From Canada but I can ship anywhere, prices are in US.
Everything else is SOLD !
-canadian spec bumper grilles (3) = 80$ for the set of 3
-almost new 4 subframe bushings = 80$
-3000km torsen diff = 150$
-tranny mount oem = 20$ each
-tranny axle shields = 20$ each
-upper control arms = 10$ each
-tranny metal spacer = 10$
-18z from audi Q7 2009 = 340$
-b5 s4 grill mint = 40$
-belt line aluminium sport trims = 100$
-engine cover airbox = 10$
-bose door speakers = 15$ each
-Injector OEM s4 b5 = 40$ for 6.
-Right mirror cover mint, broken glass = 10$
-Amplifier Bose OEM = 20$
-Sunroof motor = 20$
-Black exterior trims (2) = 20$
-switch ESP/fog = 10$
-Airbag passenger = 20$
-OEM tool box = 10$
-oem bi-pipe = 20$
-heater core = 20$
-glove box = 20$
-module ESP = 20$
-ABS pump = 20$
Still have some fuses, sensors and modules etc.