Had my 2011 S4 just under 2 years, very much enjoyed the car and AWD was nice to have here in the NE, but yearned for something more, so traded it this week and picked up a 2013 C63 AMG - Obsidian Black, all the options, factory LSD, absolutely mint condition and it is a total monster, just no comparison, it is a sledge hammer with the most intoxicating exhaust sound!
I think I might have been a bit happier with a B8.5, really annoyed me that everything in MMI took like 27 clicks and that it didn't remember anything after you shut off the car, so was always irritated that every time I got in the car it went to a Nav entry screen and took 2 buttons to get to the map where it should have been. I also will not miss the electric steering and the over priced tune options (C63 you can add 100hp at the crank for 700 bucks including the handheld flasher)
Things I will miss, AWD, Fuel Economy that isn't 15 mpg (C63 is 13/19), this forum - more active than the C63 forum and will also miss VCDS as nothing really exists like that for the Mercedes.
I will miss you guys and may check back from time to time to see what is up!