I been having a CEL issue for awhile now, since I don't drive the car very often, I haven't really dealt with it. Here are the codes I've been getting lately.
Date: 2016-08-26 16:37
Car: Audi A4
Year: 2001...2005
01 Engine Control Module 1
System description: 3.0L V6/5V G
Software version: 0004
Hardware number: 8E0909559E
Coding: 0016711
Trouble codes:
P0300 - Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected Upper limit exceeded
P0305 - Cyl.5 Misfire Detected Upper limit exceeded
P0304 - Cyl.4 Misfire Detected Lower limit not reached
P0306 - Cyl.6 Misfire Detected Lower limit not reached
P0302 - Cyl.2 Misfire Detected Upper limit exceeded
P0301 - Cyl.1 Misfire Detected Upper limit exceeded
P0303 - Cyl.3 Misfire Detected Lower limit not reached
I was having an issue with my temp gauge saying was overheating about year and a half ago. I went ahead and did the timing set, water pump, and pcv valve with the hoses behind the intake. The car was around 127,000 at this point and was ready for it's second belt change. Got it back together, fired it up, it ran great, but still said it was over heating. I ended up replacing the temp sensor and all was well. A few weeks later I started getting a random CEL for cylinder 4 5 6 misfire, that would last 30 mins to a day, then disappear and stay off for a month sometimes. Now that It's hot, the codes have been staying on and now I have codes for all cylinders. I've replaced all the coil packs and plugs. I know the cats were replaced by the original owner around 60,000 and the car now has a little over 129,000. The car never feels like it's missing or lacks power.