So this was weird. after i did my oil change, i noticed my coolant level was low. Engine was a little warm but it was below the min level. I decided to let it sit overnight to see how low it got, and sure enough the next morning when the coolant was cold, it had dropped even lower.
This is how it looked the next morning; pen mark is where it was after the oil change.
So i had some G12 coolant around, mixed it with distilled water and filled it up back to just above the min level. Over the next couple days, the level rose and receded as expected staying below the max level after driving around, and receding to the min level by the morning.
Well, today i get my car back from the dealer (had to take it in after - long story short and talked about in another thread - i somehow screwed up and got an o-ring stuck in the throttle flapper or whatever its called at the base of the air intake), and i pop the hood only to see that the coolant reservoir is almost overflowing its so full. I open the cap and it's full to the brim. I turkey basted at least 10 oz of fluid out to bring it back down to the 'max' line.
anybody seen something like that before? i highly doubt the dealer would've added any coolant. i know they do weird stuff sometimes, but that's just not something that would make any sense.