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  1. #1
    Deactivated Four Rings derek2079's Avatar
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    Need help reprogramming my keys

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    I remember I used to have this problem on my a4 and I knew how to fix it but now that its been years I can't remember.

    So when I go to use my remote it doesn't unlock my doors and I tried the methods to reprogram keys and they didn't work. I have two master keys and my vag com arrives in hours and I have a laptop and Im ready to use my lock unlock functions on my master keys. Is there a guide on how?

    I looked through the forums and tried lots of different ways over and over tried for hours and didn't have any luck.

  2. #2
    Established Member Two Rings big_jerm's Avatar
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    silly question but have you checked the batteries? lol if i remember it's one key in the ignition with it on. doors closed windows up someone turns the other in the door to lock and then presses the lock button on the key in the door, or maybe the ignition? I think that's the way to do it if you have 2 working keys. I'm not sure how to do it in vcds though.

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    Silver 2000 S4: UUC Catback w/o muffler. Lowered on H&R's. Independent fogs & rear fog mod. App Radio touch screen deck. 100W amp and sub.

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings DolphinV8's Avatar
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    Steps to reprogram keys to a car they are already linked to:
    1. Press and hold the unlock key on a remote
    2. Insert key in ignition and turn to on (while still holding unlock)
    3. Hold unlock while in the on position for 2 seconds
    4. Turn key to off, remove from ignition and release button.

    Do this for each remote. Relink to seat positions (press and hold mem position #, then unlock button for 2 seconds and release both) and done.

    To program new remotes on a car never linked to previously:

    1. Take a key (valet key works best, put it into the ignition and turn the key to the "on" position, so the dashboard lights come on.
    2. Roll down the driver's side window (not required, but a good idea in case there's a problem).
    3. Exit the car and close the door.
    4. With a second key, physically lock the doors by turning the key clockwise (don't use a remote).
    5. Take the first remote to be programmed, press the unlock button. The lights will flash once.
    6. Wait 10 seconds and press the unlock button. The doors should unlock. That first transmitter is now programmed.

  4. #4
    Deactivated Four Rings derek2079's Avatar
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    Do I have to buy vcds in order for it to work for this?

  5. #5
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek2079 View Post
    Do I have to buy vcds in order for it to work for this?


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