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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings 02A4_quattro's Avatar
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    VFIZ vs FIS Control vs P3Cars multi gauge

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    I'm looking into my multigauge options for my 02 A4 1.8t and these are the 3 that I've narrowed it down to. I am most concerned about keeping an eye on my AFR, but additional features are definitely a plus. I really like the amount of values that the VFIZ gives you access to. I'm looking for feedback from owners of one or multiple of these products with pros/cons, and experience with support from the manufacturer after the purchase (as far as software updates and whatnot goes), to help me figure out what my best option is.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings chad99's Avatar
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    I have the VFIZ, works great most of the time, I have it setup for both coolant temp read outs, oil temp, AFR, STFT, LTFT, batt voltage, and intake temp.

    Using the trip computer stalk to control it.
    I have a color DIS so I do get more info displayed on the same set page compared to the normal red DIS.

    There are a few more things I could be doing with the VFIZ but I just really wanted it for the STFT LTFT and AFR.

    I tried to use it for reading codes and it can seem to read them but it does it in a weird way that I don't really care for so I wouldn't recommend it for that, it will clear codes easily though.

    Sometimes it will freak out and not recognize inputs from the stalk so I have to press and hold the reset button on the stalk then it seems to reset itself, this seems to only happen when I try todo a lot of inputs in a row with the VFIZ.

    But once you have your screens setup it does run pretty well 98% of the time, the other times just require the reset.

    VFIZ does mention they prefer not to use the stalk method as input and I think my experience does agree with that.

    Overall I am happy with the VFIZ and if you are looking for a stock looking setup, I don't think anything comes close.

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings 02A4_quattro's Avatar
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    Awesome, thanks a lot chad99. Knowing that AFR and fuel trims are displayable with the VFIZ helps with my decision quite a bit. I've ruled out the P3Cars gauge because you need to wire in an LC1/LC2 in order to show AFR.
    What does the startup screen look like with the VFIZ? Definitely not a make or break feature but I know that with the FIS Control, the startup screen is user customizable. Also, does having the VFIZ installed affect flashing or hooking up to VAG-COM in any way?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Two Rings Jakal's Avatar
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    I know I'm reviving a dead thread here, but does anyone know how come the P3 multi-gauge is not supported by the b6, but is for b7's? The interior is basically the same, especially the vent used for the gauge. Is this something to do with the electronics?

  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings 02A4_quattro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jakal View Post
    I know I'm reviving a dead thread here, but does anyone know how come the P3 multi-gauge is not supported by the b6, but is for b7's? The interior is basically the same, especially the vent used for the gauge. Is this something to do with the electronics?
    I contacted P3 Cars a while ago about this, and they told me that they had mixed results and limited functionality in b6 S4's, and that's why they don't advertise for b6's. They are compatible with B6 a4's though. If you want to order one for a B6 you need to get in touch with P3 directly, that way a sales rep can put in your order manually.

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  6. #6
    Veteran Member Three Rings cmiguel32's Avatar
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    B6 A4: 2.0 stroker, IE cams, JHM 01E/Stg4 RS4 clutch/FW, SEM manifold, EFR7163, Motoza, ID1050x, Walbro 450, Garrett FMIC, 034 mounts/RSB, Koni coils, Hotchkis FSB, 18z, VFIZ, etc.

    B8.5 S4: EPL DP 57/187 (E40), 75mm TB, Ported SC, Meth, Autotech HPFP, Killer Chiller, Borla Exhaust, Merc HX, JHM SS/3R/Race pipes, Eurocode Sway, 034 springs, CR15
    429 whp/431 wtq 93 oct (stock TB)

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