I have the VFIZ, works great most of the time, I have it setup for both coolant temp read outs, oil temp, AFR, STFT, LTFT, batt voltage, and intake temp.
Using the trip computer stalk to control it.
I have a color DIS so I do get more info displayed on the same set page compared to the normal red DIS.
There are a few more things I could be doing with the VFIZ but I just really wanted it for the STFT LTFT and AFR.
I tried to use it for reading codes and it can seem to read them but it does it in a weird way that I don't really care for so I wouldn't recommend it for that, it will clear codes easily though.
Sometimes it will freak out and not recognize inputs from the stalk so I have to press and hold the reset button on the stalk then it seems to reset itself, this seems to only happen when I try todo a lot of inputs in a row with the VFIZ.
But once you have your screens setup it does run pretty well 98% of the time, the other times just require the reset.
VFIZ does mention they prefer not to use the stalk method as input and I think my experience does agree with that.
Overall I am happy with the VFIZ and if you are looking for a stock looking setup, I don't think anything comes close.