After Much Effort, my Driver Side Pinch-bolt finally came out of the Spindle Knuckle. However, it took a lot of beating (from hammering with a punch, air hammering with chisel, angle grinder, and drilling using 1/4", 5/16", 3/16", and 3/8" bits)
Propane torch was not used as there was apprehension of damage to the aluminum material.
My points of concern are the rear upper control arm pinch bolt slot (you can see how it appears deformed after making accidental contact with an angle grinder) as well as the entry to the pinch bolt hole (where the head of the bolt is supposed to make contact with the spindle--front upper control arm side).
Here are pictures for reference. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on this matter. What do you all recommend? By the way, a new spindle costs a little over $350 from the dealer. And a used one is no where to be found for this particular make and model. Also, I feel I could have spared my upper control arms (the ball joints were stiff) if I had placed a metal sheet in the area.