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  1. #1
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Aug 15 2016
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    Los Gatos, California

    My first Audi (and car) - 2000 A4 2.8 Quattro

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    This is my first car, a 2000 Audi A4 2.8 Quattro. I got it on Craigslist for $1800. It only has 130,000 miles and is in amazing condition because this was not the owner's main car, and it was kept in storage for a couple of years while the owner was out of the country.

    Although I have been interested in cars for a while, my experience and technical knowledge are almost none. Is there any place where I can start learning from the basics? I looked at a lot of builds and forum posts, but most of what people say doesn't make much sense to me. I have been loving this car and would like to upgrade/tune/modify (not sure what term is acceptable) it in the future.

    As a complete newb, I would appreciate any advice or suggestions from you guys. And of course, here's the car:

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4kamila6's Avatar
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    Sep 30 2015
    AZ Member #

    Welcome! Awesome buy

    The forum is your friend

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings Mattr567's Avatar
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    My Garage
    1989 Honda CB-1, 1986 Suzuki SP200

    Clean car! Is it a manual?

    Not to too much you can do with a 2.8 tune wise, PES superchargers are cool but expensive. The 1.8T is where all that is mainly at.
    FWD in the tradition of AutoUnion

    99.0 B5 A4 1.8TMS
    I turned a $750 car into a $10,000 car worth $2500

  4. #4
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    Jan 25 2016
    AZ Member #

    Damn I paid double that for a worse condition car with more miles.

    The bad news you're sorta SOL on tuning/modding. Sure there's SOME you can do, but not a whole lot. 1.8's are the ones to have fun on.

    The good news is you've got a workhorse. Take good care of it and it'll last YEARS. The other good news is that I was sorta in the same boat as you as far as car knowledge: going in with not a lot but a desire to know everything. I certainly don't know a LOT but I sure know a hell of a lot more now that I've had 4 years of work on my 2.8.


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