Alright so I am admittedly a bit over my head here but hopefully this may help some people in the future. I need help in figuring some issues out. Bear with me...
First of all, from looking at the B8 S4 fuse diagram, the fuel pump draws max of 25 amps (is this the pump only???). I am not sure of the max pump flow of the stock pump - does someone have this info? A good upgrade looks to be this:
Oddly enough, it would only draw a max of 14 amps per their website, so I don't think (correct me if I am wrong) you would need to upgrade the electrical draw to the pump. (From what I have read, this is required for the 2.0t in the A3/TT if going over about 400hp since the factory fuel pump control module overheats when upgrading to a high-flow lpfp due to the added current draw)
HOWEVER, if the electrical draw does need to be upgraded for a high-flow lpfp OR you want to run something like a KB boost-a-pump on the stock lpfp, I may have found a good option. I looks well engineered and you can even buy a VAG plug-and-play adapter:
OK, so assuming the VAG adapter works with our car and you are able to fit the upgraded pump in place of the stock lpfp - which nobody knows a this time, how would you wire the pump? When looking at the stock lpfp assembly pics from ECS, I am kinda confused:
What are the yellow and brown wires that run to the pump? I can't find this info. I know our pump is PWM, but looking at the torqbyte it says it maintains full pwm control and although the pump is from a TTRS, the pics don't show the extra wires.
To further complicate things, I wonder if this would be the best option as it acts more like a piggyback than pump replacement.
Ok sorry to vomit all of my thoughts and questions. Please help with suggestions and any info that may be helpful. Thanks.