Spent an hour on the scan tool with my car trying to change settings on multiple control modules but specifically the virtual dash (instrument cluster). SO far I have been able to activate the the "analog sweep" on initial startup. And changed the vehicle configuration to be an S4. NOTE: this does not activate the big single tachometer that will come on the new S4's. That is something I have yet to figure out (if possible). But this goes to show there is hope for adapting these cars the way we want them. Heck at one point I had the cluster saying it was an Allroad with the digital image and everything lol. I will keep messing with it when I have some more free time. Might have to wait till the new S4 comes out to compare codings/adaptations and see what else needs to be changed. I am using a factory scan tool so for now I don't know how to do it with vag-com. But if you happen to personally know an Audi tech, they can do it for you.
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If you guys have any questions at all, let me know. I've changed some settings in other control modules as well to my liking. So even questions for other control modules, i'll do my best to answer.