I've got a weird issue, hoping the brain trust here can give me some ideas to pursue.

I get an exhaust smell in the cabin when I run up through the gears to ~ 80 mph, say merging onto the tollway.
The first time it happened I thought it was someone in front of me going "open loop" getting on the highway, but then it happened when I was alone on the road. Things I've noticed:
- It isn't super strong smell, and it doesn't last long
- Doesn't have to be full throttle (but it usually is LOL)
- Can't smell it if the AC is on recirculate
- Smells "post cat" to me
- Can't hear any evidence of an exhaust leak when idling
- Dealer "could not replicate" (naturally)
Any ideas of things to check? I even wondered if it was speed-related, maybe somehow pulling air in from the rear of the car in the low pressure zone that's there at speed. But that would mean a very leaky trunk seal, or some sort of air intake at the rear (neither of which I think are likely).