OK so i have been battling AC issues for a couple years and have finally decided to get the right tools and fix whatever has been going on. A little history
The car had an AC leak (according to a shop i took it to when it started blowing hot there was no freon left). I dunno if i buy it but they vacuumed and replaced the valve stems in the quick connect locations and recharged it according to spec. Blew cold for a couple of days. Then it started doing what it has been doing for two years. It gets cold at idle but the air blows warm as soon as you start driving. Opposite of most people's experience. If i start the car and let it idle with the AC on it will blow cold for as long as it is running and the RPM's aren't raised. I have some readings and stuff, tell me what you guys make of it.
1. Car off low side 150 and high side 150 PSI
2. Car running and at idle and AC blowing cold
Low Side ~42 PSI, High Side 225 PSI
3. Rev engine for a few seconds low side climbs slowly to about 55-60 PSI, then shoots up to 150, high side goes inversely lower and pressures go back to
Low Side 150 High Side 125-150 PSI
4. Pressures stay the same as hot air conditions when AC turned off during hot air blowing (150,150)
5. If i cycle power to AC with on off button at idle, pressure on low side drops back to 42 and high side rises to 225 and it will blow cold air again
6. If I cycle power while it is revved up low side pressure will drop to 125 for a couple seconds, then rise back up to 150 and ac wont blow cold air or drop pressures back to regular levels.
7. If i let it go to idle but don't cycle ac switch pressure on low side will still stay at high pressures and AC will blow warm (i used to not have to cycle the switch for it to blow cold at idle it would do that by itself but now i have to turn the power off and back on again)
I have scanned with Vag-Com with no errors being reported in the HVAC system. The compressor is on at all times that the AC power is on, even when the pressures shoot up. Clutch disengages on the compressor normally when AC power button is turned off.
I am thinking this has to be an electrical switch or something since i can cycle power and it starts to correct itself and blow cold if at idle type RPM's. However it does seem oddly mechanical too with how the pressures shoot up directly proportional to rpms. Thoughts? I wanna be sure i'm on the right track of what to fix before i open up the system and lose all this wonderfully expensive freon. Thanks guys