I've done a ton of research and still cannot decide exactly what I want to do.
I was experiencing vibrations in 1st gear under full throttle. I tried the windo weld fix the first time, but the rubber in the center support was shot so the weight of the driveshaft kept it out of alignment and the windo weld cured the center support out of place and I experience worse vibrations.
So I ripped that stuff out and tried aligning the shaft better and supported it with a 2x4. The second time around it was much smoother most of the time, but got worse vibrations at certain speeds. So, I removed the unit yesterday and had a friend give me some advice, who is a diesel mechanic. He noted that the center u joint was fairly stiff.
So, I have arrived at the conclusion that I have three options: cut up the stock unit and have a shop weld in a tube for a one piece design, have a shop make an entire custom shaft with u joints at each end and a slip yoke in the middle, or buy a aftermarket unit. I have contacted a few local shops and a couple are willing to give it a try. However, I really do not want to deal with vibrations. I have come across some individuals that have great success with custom one piece units, while others have had a tough go. An aftermarket unit is a decent option, but aligning it could be a pain.
What would you do and why?