Completed a compressor swap this weekend, here is a quick DIY so you know what's involved. Mine leaked out all the refrigerant upon rapid disassembly, so the recovery portion did not apply. If your system still has refrigerant in it, you will have to get it evacuated first. Don't get bent over at the shop, you can do this with a few rented tools. It cost about $175 bucks total. You will need:
Oil + filter
Oil cooler seal - parts websites are not correct. Use this one.
Compressor - there are 3 splits according to ECS. up to '02, '03-'04, '04+. Got mine used from Tom's foreign for 80 bucks w/6 month warranty
A/C Drier
A/C Orifice Tube
A/C Flush
134a - Two 13oz cans. No stop leak or any other crap. Compatible with PAG oil.
PAG 46 compressor oil - if yours doesn't have any already in it.
O-ring kit
A/C Flush Kit - rent from Autozone
Vacuum pump and manifold kit - rent from Autozone
Air compressor
134a can tap.
Digital gram scale
Gloves and safety glasses. Good PPE
R&R + Flush/Vacuum:
Service position.
Drain coolant and oil. Remove filter.
Remove connections from drier, orifice tube, evaporator, condenser.
Remove orifice tube and discard. Unbolt drier and discard. Swap in new drier to housing, keep the plugs in for now. Swap over the roll pins from the old drier.
Unbolt A/C line from oil pan (passenger side).
Remove right hose from oil cooler. Or remove both, I just did the one because it was easier.
Remove 27mm nut
Slide off cooler. Either remove it completely or wedge up out of the way.
Remove 3 bolts from compressor. 2 are easy to see, 3rd is in the back. Now the compressor should be free and easy to pull out of car with lines attached. I removed the lines after due to torx access.
Flush all lines, compressor, and condenser with the kit + air compressor. Be thorough and blow out with air afterwards.
Install new orifice tube. Remember how far in it was when you pulled the old one out? It takes some force to get it all the way back in place.
Install new o-rings on all connections.
Add oil to new compressor, turn the pulley so it drinks it up. See manufacturer specs for quantity.
Bolt lines to compressor and install.
Bolt orifice tube, condenser and evaporator lines.
Now install the drier and remove the plugs, then install the connections. The drier is a desiccant and will soak up moisture in the air. Do not leave it exposed longer than you have to.
Hook up manifold to high/low lines and attach vacuum pump.
Turn on pump and open high/low/middle valves. You should see low gauge drop to -27ish psi of vacuum. If it does not, you have to find the leak.
Run pump for 15min, then close both hi/low side manifold and shut off pump. If gauges drop after 15min, you have to find the leak. If not, vacuum for another 15min.
Leave manifold attached.
Install new oil cooler gasket. Slide cooler on, then attach the coolant line(s). Put the nut back on and attach filter.
Fill oil and coolant. Install belt.
You can either charge the system now, or put the bumper back on and charge at the end.
Screw tap onto can. Weigh both together and write it down for future math. Total weight needed can be found under the hood.
Hook up can to middle yellow line. Screw tap down to puncture can, then unscrew to open it up. Purge air from line by unscrewing yellow fitting at the manifold until a little 134a comes out. Subtract 50g from original weight.
Place can in pot of warm water.
Start car. Set to LOW and put max fan on.
Open LOW side all the way. The gauge should start to go up. NEVER OPEN THE HIGH SIDE WHILE FILLING!
ECON light will be on, and the A/C pressure switch will be off, so you have to fill half of the first can and then turn off car.
Start car, ECON light should be off now. Resume filling until can feels empty.
When empty, close LOW side and middle valve. Close tap on 134a can. Remove can from line, then weigh it. This will tell you how much refrigerant went into the system and how much you have left to fill.
Swap tap onto 2nd can. Repeat hook up and purge process.
Start car, open middle and LOW side valve.
After 5min or so, the gauges should look like this now. Your pressure will vary based on ambient temp. Icy cold goodness should be flowing out of the vents.
When empty, close manifold valves, shut off car and disconnect can like before. Weigh and confirm the amount added is in spec. 2 cans gave me 510g.
Remove quick connects from HI and LOW ports.
Enjoy the summer heat! Sorry for all the sideways pictures...photobucket wouldn't let me rotate.
Here is the autopsy on my compressor. The pulley bearing failed and the seal was damaged. I didn't really have to flush, but am glad I did anyways.