i need some help with this. here are the sequences of events:
- while putting in new motor mounts...
- ..jacked up engine too high, hear a crack, see coolant dripping from behind the block
- suspect coolant flange, order and install. coolant flange was not cracked. (so what did?)
- lose lower temp sensor o-ring during install, plug hole for 3 mile city traffic drive back to garage
- coolant level light comes on
- arrive home, no overheat condition, no coolant left as plug fell out
- install proper sized o-ring and sensor and coolant.
- new leak from front of motor when running
based on the no-coolant running episode, i am assuming i dried out the water-pump seals or internal bearings. any other diagnostic suggestions?
edit: found out what cracked was a breather hose. still have leak though.. im thinking i dried out the seal..