So this is annoying... I'm driving the other day and start to hear a fairly consistent rattle right around the time the car shifts into second gear. It is very intermittent, and does not occur if I'm accelerating aggressively. This only occurs when accelerating moderately and it only happens in first gear.
Trying to replicate the noise is pretty difficult, but I figured out if I put my trans into Sport mode and hold her steady in first gear holding around 1,200 RPM then moderately accelerate the noise occurs between 2,200 and 2,800 RPMs. Once I hear it, I let off before shifting into second, bring the RPMs back down and can accelerate moderately to hear the noise again. I do not hear it outside of first gear and I mostly hear it after accepting from stop lights.
If I get on it aggressively, I hear no noise.
Its worth mentioning, the tranny is shifting great, car runs and idles great as well. I did just have a new snub mount put in about 1,000 miles ago and did not replace the worn motor mounts.
I'm stumped....