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You do realize when a car pulls up next to you at a stoplight, and leaves at the same time as you because the light turned green, doesn't mean they're racing you.
A story for a Mopar guy....
I remember way back when, my friends had a 440 six pack Superbird and I happened to be behind them pulling onto the highway. Driver floored it, I could see a back seat passenger with a huge smile on his face jumping up and down cause they were pulling on my Charger. They beat me pretty good, mostly because I wasn't racing
They then went around town telling the grand tale how how they tromped my Charger. It was pretty funny.
Rematch #1 Side by side roll at 40 mph.
We both had 727 autos. I had a modified valve body that let me drop back to first at a higher speed to take advantage of a cammed up motor. The Superbird, not so much. I dropped a gear got into the power band and was easily a car length ahead by 65mph.
It was proclaimed: Unfair, you have the special modified tranny... If not for that, we would have beat your since we have race car with many more carburetors!
Race # 2 65 MPH roll.
My 71 Charger has a nice even pull, I slowly gain on them, by 110, it was clear that they will never catch me.
The response? Your car pulls better at mid speeds but we have a 440 and you only have a 360 (Swapped from a 74 duster) and we have the pointy nose Superbird with better aerodynamics! For top speed, we would beat you and your single carbureted small block. That and you don't even have a real carb! What is that foolish thing with the plastic fuel bowl? (it was a modded Thermoquad that flowed 850 cfm)
They might have a point.. But they also had a Dana rear axle with shortish gears that limited the top speed. That and they built the motor with way too much compression ratio for pump gas and had to pull the timing way back to prevent detonation. Add in a poorly setup six pack and 80 cu inches won't help. On paper I had less, but it ran right.
Fun times...
Short story? Make sure you are actually being raced. Also, to this day they superbird owner swears his car was faster. Same group that when given a ride in my Duster that at the time was running in the low 12's said it didn't feel that fast, the pull was not very good (compared to their 14.8 second big block). Same group of guys that went through a 426 Hemi to freshen it up. Pre-freshen up it ran a 14.3, the fresh motor ran solid 15's

How can you do that to a Hemi?
Way back when, running a 13 with a V8 was a bigger deal.