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Hey guys just dropping in a line from AudisportclubNYC. If your not familiar with us check us out on Instagram @audisportclubnyc . Here are various shots so far this year. I post mostly B7 stuff and a few others as well. Also if you didn't know We have a special deal with P3Cars and their gauges. If your not familiar with those then you should be. Most of us may not be running boost but this gauge does so much more than that. It reads NUMEROUS different temp levels, boost, 0-60, speed, it even dims. One of the cooler features though is it can clear your codes. Check it out. Use our link from our site to get a SWEET DISCOUNT!!! Link is below.
Most pics are by @mikebruno and @ocsam4.2 First pick is how clean the P3 Gauge looks.
Silverbacks P3 by Eddie Lizotte, on Flickr
DSC_6046 by Audi Sport Club, on Flickr
Screenshot_2016-03-11-16-59-26.png by Audi Sport Club, on Flickr
DSC_6177 by Audi Sport Club, on Flickr
DSC_0138 by Audi Sport Club, on FlickrIMG_7388 by Audi Sport Club, on Flickr
IMG_7311 by Audi Sport Club, on Flickr
_DSC7195 by Michael bruno, on Flickr
_DSC7255 by Michael bruno, on Flickr
_DSC4720 by Michael bruno, on Flickr
_DSC5475 by Michael bruno, on Flickr
_DSC5492 by Michael bruno, on Flickr
DPC_3185 by ocsam Sam, on Flickr
DPC_3202 by ocsam Sam, on Flickr
DPC_3222 by ocsam Sam, on Flickr
DPC_3253 by ocsam Sam, on Flickr
DPC_3265 by ocsam Sam, on Flickr
DPC_3194 by ocsam Sam, on Flickr
DSC03450 by Michael bruno, on Flickr
DSC03414 by Michael bruno, on Flickr
_DSC4860 by Michael bruno, on Flickr