Multiple questions, I'll continue adding them to this thread so please return!
Hey guys, I've got a lot going on but I need to figure this out and searching isn't coming up with anything. I haven't bought the bentley because I heard it sucks. Is it worth the $80?
Here's the car, I understand why the dealership charges 2 grand for a water pump and thermostat replacement. I'm still calling it worth diy for the 1,900 savings. Still good amount of work.
So there are a bolt or two on the back of the thermostat that seem really close to the intake mani. Does it need to be removed? If I have to do that I'm doing a carbon cleaning but I hadn't
planned on doing that yet with a road trip coming up on the 10th.
I hadn't removed the water pump in this photo.
Water pump removed, still no room for those bolts on the back of the thermostat. Their back and to the left, not even visible.
The belt tensioner pulley AND the Idler pully is worn down a little, and has a tiny bit of play in it. I took a video and can upload if it I need to. Do I need to replace it?
Idler pulley
If you have to remove the water pump pulley, (obviously for replacement) Don't purchase the Water pulley tool. Just take a wrench and when you loosen the bolt the pulley will rotate and catch the wrench and stop rotating so you can loosen the bolt.
I'm not sure what this is, but it's SUPER dirty. Expected with my mileage but should I replace this... I'm obviously going to clean it but something here is leaking.
4. Not sure what would cause this, but the belt began to wear into the cross over pipe that I'm actually replacing anyway. But, Something somewhere Is causing this so It needs to be addressed so
it doesnt wear through the new belt and cross over pipe.
Removed the water pump to replace it since I was in here and figured it was an oem plastic. Turns out it's and oem metal one. Oh well... I know It hasn't been replaced since I bought it at 90k - 212k miles so Im sure it's
worth the $50 cost.... ( Gates WP is what I bought )
Same with the thermostat, it's not faulty but figured I would replace it for $30 ( Also Gates brand ) since I was doing this work anyhow.
I broke the nipple off the upper radiator hose. All the damn plastic is brittle on this car... sure it has 212k miles but ugh it's one thing after another.