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  1. #1
    Senior Member Three Rings Res1stance's Avatar
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    Windshield Squirters not working

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    Once again, here I am, with a problem that is driving me mental.

    So the squirters on my B5 S4 don't work...
    The headlight washers do work, which is normally the ones failing on these cars.

    I replaced the lower pump for 3 different ones, checked the fuse, replaced the piggies, replaced the stalk, replaced the squirter elements under the hood, replaced every single relay and no luck.
    When I activate the pump there's no sound coming out of it. I also checked if power gets there with a multimeter and nothing. This has to be the most frustrating thing that ever happened to me in my B5 history or replacing every single component in this car.

    If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings Bordom's Avatar
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    If you have no power going to the pump, it's a wiring issue

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Three Rings Res1stance's Avatar
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    Yeah but where?? I gotta take the car to an electrician. This is absurd! Thanks though.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings getslideways's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Res1stance View Post
    When I activate the pump there's no sound coming out of it. I also checked if power gets there with a multimeter and nothing. This has to be the most frustrating thing that ever happened to me in my B5 history or replacing every single component in this car.
    Quote Originally Posted by Res1stance View Post
    Yeah but where?? I gotta take the car to an electrician. This is absurd! Thanks though.
    Dont waste money taking the car to an electrician if you already know the location of all the components in the system

    Use your multi-meter at more than just the end of the line (pump) is there power at the relays? no, then move backwards to the next component, is there power there, if not, move backwards. Keep doing that until you find something that has power in, and no power out, and bingo. Don't blindly throw parts at a car until you know if they need it or not, doing that is "absurd".

    So start at one end and work your way down.

    For a ghetto fix, swap the headlight washer pump to the windshield or if the wiring can support it tie the two together as a temporary solution (headlights will need to be on in this scenario for windshield pump to work)
    Last edited by getslideways; 08-03-2016 at 02:27 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Three Rings Res1stance's Avatar
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    I truly appreciate your input, but I don't have the knowledge to do such. I have no clue where to measure at the firewall of the relays. I'm not even sure which is the relay for that. I just changed every single one from other relays from B5's I parted in the past.
    Best and only way I see is to have a pro look at it.

    Again thanks!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Three Rings Res1stance's Avatar
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    Ok SOLVED.
    Someone (not very smart) messed with the wiring harness that goes from the wall (red and pink connector) all the way to the front components of the car such as the squirter pump, headlight, washer level sensor, horn and foglight.
    Problem got instatly solved by replacing the complete harness. Someone messed with it pretty bad. There were loose wires, cut wires...a shitshow.

    I got one from a 1.8T and all now works.

    Thanks everyone for trying to help!


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