Thank you for suggestion, old guy. I just ordered updated INA 530054610 kit, I regret that I did not research about that updated version before my current water pump change :(
But for now I still drive the car and I would like to know how that hydraulic tensioner should function properly? Should it retain this 6-8 mm gap all the time?
On my cars engine there is a decent gap (looks like 6 mm) when my engine is running, that gap reduces in 1-2 minutes after the engine stops (yesterday that gap was: 0 mm, today: 3 mm). if I crank the engine gap opens...
That tab on roller - is it normal that I can rise it higher just by pulling it with my finger or it shouldn't move at all?
I saw some videos with A4 TB change and I saw that mechanics slowly compress this tensioner for reuse before removing TB belt.. my friend mechanic did not compress it and maybe that way its hydraulic mechanism was damaged...(loosened too fast)?
There was a thread about this here: