For a $300 wheel, it's not worth trying to fix IMO. Even if you could, it's likely weaker once bent back from that and it will likely have to be refinished and it's an open question if the refinishing will ever match.
Also, I had some relatively small hits to my tires and I found out pretty quickly that the Michelin PS AS/3 (if that's what you have too) don't like bumps very much. The tires are sort of like runflats in that if you a hit a pothole, even if the rim is ok, the tire will have that "wobble" sound going down the road because it has a weak spot inside somewhere. It shows up on road force balance and it will never balance out and the rim is fine. Two of my tires are like this, getting really loud now as the tires are about done and I spent way too much money trying to RF balance them and figure it out.
So even if you replace the rim, a hit that hard will likely have damaged the tire enough you're going to hear it from now on and it will show up on roadforce and not balance out. IOW, deal with the noise or get a new tire too.
If your tires are 1/2 worn and you decide to replace the tire, Tire Rack can shave the new tire down for you to match the existing tires. It's a nominal fee like $30 or something. I had it done and it turned out ok.