1.8t AEB
What are the symptoms of a bad cps?
Are running extremely rich and barely has any power one of them?
Where's the best place to start to diagnose (ie easiest to hardest)?
What i checked:
1. Tried a different sensor
2. Cam gear timing mark is 1/3 to the right of the valve cover
3. Changed plugs (thinking meth flooded engine)
4. Disconnected ic piping to throttle (Mafless. To check if piping was flooded with meth, has happened before lol)
Haven't checked:
Cam tensioner 16teeth (inside valve cover)
Ecu inj duty and timing request
1.Was driving in boost and everything was fine (was playing around with the methanol prime and purge)
2. Slowed down and engine just died
3. Tried restarting
4. Coasted to the side of road. Car was still a bit drivable, then engine died
5. Tried restarting long crank, pedal floored, starts then revs to about 1500rpm and dies
6. Reduced fuel by around 60-70% to get it started (rough tune, just reduced large parts of the maps to get it somewhere near 14)
7. Afr was around 13-15afr
8. Barely had enough power, needed to rev and slip clutch to get moving.
9. If i let revs drop it would idle very low, but steady, at 600ish and wouldnt respond to gas pedal, need to restart and hold revs to around 1500rpm to get any response.
10. No out of the ordinary sound, even engine starting/cranking sounded normal.