This thread is being created in order to better understand the reliability and longevity of the various aftermarket turbocharger options. While experiences with all upgraded turbos are welcomed, more specifically it would be helpful to obtain data points on some of the more recent options that have not had a lot of information shared regarding longevity, including, but not limited to: Frankenturbo F21 MixedFlow, Tial/XonaRotor XR770, Silly Rabbit Motorsport K24 RS6 and RS4+, TheTurboEngineers TTE550, etc...
Please keep this to personal experiences only, and not hearsay.
Turbo Manufacturer and Model:
Purchase Date (approx.):
Mileage on Turbos, and Boost Pressure:
Any problems/failures? Please describe: (If yes, and warranty is/was applicable, outcome?)
Any other notable info regarding your experience with these turbochargers?