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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings dizzlesizzle's Avatar
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    Auto Leveling Headlight

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    So I drove off to work this morning and like every morning at 4:30AM its still dark and headlights are needed. While driving I noticed that my headlights, (both of them), didn't look correct. They seemed to be pointing towards the ground more. Even when pulling behind a van I can usually see my cutoff line in their back bumper, now it seems to point under the bumper. This was never like this and seemed to just start happening.

    When I started the car the headlights dipped down a fraction of an inch, and back up.... normally, they move several inches down when i fire up the ignition. I park my car at my house on a slight I pulled over on level ground and turning the car off and back on to see if it would readjust. Same as before, dip/move a fraction and stop, like a leveling sensor isn't reading the height of the car correctly. I have no warning lights or anything on the dash. I don't have access to my VAG cable till the weekend since I let my friend borrow it. If anyone has any suggestions I would be up for hearing them. I know you can manually adjust the height with the plastic screws on the headlights but would like to stay away from doing it this way, since I did this on a previous Audi in the past and caused more problems than good with the leveling systems. Let me know guys, thanks!
    --2010 S4, Premium+, Black, 6MT, NAV, B&O, Park Assist, 19" AV-M310 ET35, DTM Style Carbon Fiber Front Lip, VAG, ADS "Lite", ROC-EURO CAI, 5000K HIDs

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings LittleDozer's Avatar
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    There is a sensor in one (both?) of the front wheel wells. My womans B8 A4 has a dipped light so I might be investigating along with you. Google where the sensor sits in the wheel well and start with that. If it shifted or something it could be throwing off what your car thinks "level" is. Since it's both of your headlights that did this at the same time that would be my guess.

    Otherwise once you have vagcom you can reset the lights and see if that works.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Two Rings MagillaGorilla's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure there is away to relearn auto leveling lights height using VCDS. Maybe look into that.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Three Rings dizzlesizzle's Avatar
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    My buddy is going to drop my cable back off tonight. I will scan for codes and take a look at the sensors in the wheel wells. Where is the reset of the headlights with VAG the only thing I could find was:

    [55 - Xenon Range] (For some newer vehicles, use [29 - Left Light] instead )
    [Basic Settings - 04]
    Group 001

    Wait at least 20 seconds for the headlamp motors to move. The headlamps are now in their adjustment position. Turn on headlights. Adjust them via their manual adjusting screws as referenced against a suitable aiming target.

    Scroll up to Group 002. The Xenon Range controller has now learned this position as its Home position.

    Click the [Done, Go Back] button and you're all set.
    --2010 S4, Premium+, Black, 6MT, NAV, B&O, Park Assist, 19" AV-M310 ET35, DTM Style Carbon Fiber Front Lip, VAG, ADS "Lite", ROC-EURO CAI, 5000K HIDs

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Three Rings dizzlesizzle's Avatar
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    Well I scanned it with VAG and no DTC's. So I'm at a loss. Guess I'll just deal with it or manually adjust a new home position if it becomes that much of an inconvenience. Not going to bring it into Audi for those ass clowns to charge me $200 to adjust headlights. They will probably cause another issue. I also looked at the level sensors on the wheel wells..all looked normal. So either my brain this early in the morning is playing tricks on me or a gremlin got into the system and likes to play with the lights...Any last suggestions I am open for them.
    --2010 S4, Premium+, Black, 6MT, NAV, B&O, Park Assist, 19" AV-M310 ET35, DTM Style Carbon Fiber Front Lip, VAG, ADS "Lite", ROC-EURO CAI, 5000K HIDs

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings
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    There are 2 sensors. One in the front and one in the rear for leveling. They are attached to the lower control arms with a rod. I would inspect them maybe the clasp released itself.

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Three Rings dizzlesizzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaos2984 View Post
    There are 2 sensors. One in the front and one in the rear for leveling. They are attached to the lower control arms with a rod. I would inspect them maybe the clasp released itself.
    Yeah looked at those already. Seemed to be fine...didn't look out of the ordinary. Is there something I should look for with them? No codes showed up for them being faulty.
    --2010 S4, Premium+, Black, 6MT, NAV, B&O, Park Assist, 19" AV-M310 ET35, DTM Style Carbon Fiber Front Lip, VAG, ADS "Lite", ROC-EURO CAI, 5000K HIDs

  8. #8
    Established Member Two Rings
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    I would manually just adjust them and call it a day.


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