So I drove off to work this morning and like every morning at 4:30AM its still dark and headlights are needed. While driving I noticed that my headlights, (both of them), didn't look correct. They seemed to be pointing towards the ground more. Even when pulling behind a van I can usually see my cutoff line in their back bumper, now it seems to point under the bumper. This was never like this and seemed to just start happening.
When I started the car the headlights dipped down a fraction of an inch, and back up.... normally, they move several inches down when i fire up the ignition. I park my car at my house on a slight I pulled over on level ground and turning the car off and back on to see if it would readjust. Same as before, dip/move a fraction and stop, like a leveling sensor isn't reading the height of the car correctly. I have no warning lights or anything on the dash. I don't have access to my VAG cable till the weekend since I let my friend borrow it. If anyone has any suggestions I would be up for hearing them. I know you can manually adjust the height with the plastic screws on the headlights but would like to stay away from doing it this way, since I did this on a previous Audi in the past and caused more problems than good with the leveling systems. Let me know guys, thanks!