Hi Everyone--I had been off these boards for a long time after I decided to sell my 2013 S4. My commute had gone from about 5,000 miles/yr to 20,000 miles/yr, and I wanted something more economical (which turned out to mean a non-Si Honda Civic). Plus, my wife and I were trying to save as much as possible to make a substantial down payment on a new house, so I needed a less expensive car.
With that stuff now behind me, I said "Fuck it" and got the wife to say "yes" when she was buzzed one night, so I went out and brought home a new A3 2.0. I had a couple of AWE goodies on the S4. I'm probably going to hold off on doing any mods this time around, but we'll see. Till then, I'm happy to be back on here again.