I am coming here to seek some guidance on what are some potential areas that would cause a leak on the passenger side from behind the alternator. Background : Car idles smooth and revs fine, this mostly came up from oil temp rising too high, not from car overheating, so it runs and drives but it runs the coolant tank empty I have only been testing it with car off at this point, and coolant will run right out the weep hole.I checked out some areas above and behind the car with a boroscope and couldn't see any water around the head gasket area. I want to get some ideas if there is a relief valve or something that maybe broke or lines that could possibly be causing this or if not thermostat.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I don't know where to go with this outside of pulling the engine which I would like to avoid.. This link goes to a video of what's going on, sorry for potato vertical camera shifted when I started it. https://youtu.be/I8JplQ1MhfY