Hey Audizine need your help with a problem! I just recently did a water pump and timing belt change. Pulled the front off my B6, empty the oil and coolant. Changed the the water pump and timing belt, put everything back together. Tried to start the car with no success. The starter was turning very quickly and i crapped myself right there. I proceeded to do a compression test with all cylinders showing zero pressure. Pulled the VC to check the timing and at TDC. there is 16 rollers between markers. I then took the lower part of the compression hosing and blew vape into the #1 cylinder and to my disbelief vape blew out of all the 2,3,4 holes. So now i'm thinking that the head gasket is done?? Here is what gets me... I had a coolant leak from the pump so decided to change the timing belt and pump. The car was running perfect so i don't understand how the head gasket could have blown. Please let me know what you guys think on how there is zero pressure in all 4 cylinders. Thanks to all