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    Exclamation EPS Warning light

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    UPDATE:Got car sorted changed ABS Control Unit,warning light gone.

    Hi All,

    Hope you's can help, im new to the forum.
    I have an Audi A3 2003(newer version) 1.6 petrol. I had been having problems with my battery for a few months, always started eventually, and never had to jump start. Then the EPS lights came on a few weeks back. Taught when I replaced my battery that it might go away. Got a new battery last week, fella in the motor factors checked my old battery and said it was running at 90.So brought the car to a local mechanic last week for the diagnostic to be run, he said it more than likely be a fuse, or a wire cut somewhere? Left the car with him for the day, when I collected it in the eve, he said the diagnostics didn’t run properly, wasn’t reading? Only got one fault code 18057.and he also checked fuses, all ok.

    Ask would I bring the car back yesterday, as there would be a different mechanic in on Friday his cousin from different garage. And that he is a whizz kid with software and has his own diagnostic machine and knows Audi’s inside out. And that he would trace all wires behind battery to see if any broken.

    So brought car down yesterday, got a call at 3pm from first mechanic to say they think i have a problem with my ABS Unit its running at 284mph and it should be at zero and that it might need to be repaired, said a place in Dublin does repairs and it would cost roughly about €400-500 plus labour, and he would ring Logic Motives to confirm price, but he could not get through to them no answer all day.

    And also the mechanic that looked at the car today had an appointment and had to go so I never got the option from him to remove the unit.
    Asked how much it would be the the software whizz kid that’s knows about Audi’s to remove and replace unit and the other mechanic said he would find out and let me knew cost and when he would be back to their garage, as they could not put ABS unit .I am still waiting to here.

    Asked would it be possible to get second hand ABS Unit, and he said it would have to be the same numbers? And that I wouldn’t be able to get one.

    I have no other warning lights on car and its running fine.
    My brake lights are working ok, seen this mentioned before on forum.

    Just wondering has anybody else had this problem, with just the EPS warning light coming on and not the ABS as well?

    Want to make sure I am changing the right with the cost going to be about €700+.Car has failed NCT because of the light and the garage said it can’t be cleared.

    I would be grateful if anybody could shine some light on this.
    Thanks for reading, sorry if I rattled on a bit. :)
    Last edited by audiesp; 08-27-2016 at 07:55 AM.


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