So my ECON light won't come off and VAGCOM gave me a code reading of the High Pressure Sensor (g65) 07-00 signal too low. Checked the pressure and absolutely 0 on low and high. Put a little R134 into the system and sure enough, I can hear a loud hissing sound coming from behind the condenser (driver side). Waiting for my can of 134 with dye to come in so I can see exactly where the leak is coming from.
1)Has anyone replaced any of the hoses from the condenser to the compressor?
2) can I get to the compressor by just putting the car in service position or do I need to take off the whole front end?
3) I'm prying to baby jesus that it's just an Oring or a hose and not the Compressor....
I've had the car for about 8 days