I'm in a similar boat. 2.5 years ago, I had to emission my uni 415, 28rs, psi mani setup. I put a 3in heavy duty cat at the base of my downpipe and ran it at wastegate pressure 10-12 psi.
My obd port had broken off the driver bolster, and so it was hanging to the side, next to the hood release. The girl there was too heavy to look down there, and when I tried to explain the obd situation she blew me off. So they did a manager override and ran it on the rollers, no odb. My numbers came back awesome, well below the limits, but failed for visual on the second O2 sensor.
Changed back to stock and passed, with both cats. After testing, reinstalled everything, no cats.
Couple months ago, due for testing again, I returned it back to stockish, and passed just barely. But they didn't check under the hood either time I had my OBD working.
My suggestion, and what I will do in the future. V-band in a heavy duty cat, and make sure you can pass readiness for all sensors. I personally think that I've wasted a ton of time the last two times returning to stockish.
This was the cat I ran, rediculously low numbers.