I finally had a chance to review my logs and compare the different fuels I have been using. This is not a scientific test. The conditions these logs were taken were very similar, ie temps, route. All are on APR Stage 1 tune.
[91map] This first one was taken a couple days ago using 91 octane Shell. Lots of red throughout the log anytime I am WOT. Sometimes, even at light acceleration.
[91map] Next, is Rebel Oil 91oct + 5gal Rockett brand 100oct = ~93.5oct. A lot less red. Still a bit pulling at WOT, but not as bad.
[91 map] Next, Rebel Oil 91 oct + 4gal E85 = ~93.8oct (E25). Little to no red. Very clean log.
[93 map] Finally, Rebel 91 + 4gal E85 = ~93.8oct (E25). A little bit of red. Not bad, still very clean log.
1) My local Shell sucks or APR is very aggressive in their timing even for 91 map or it's hot as hell out (105F ambient/156F IAT) and timing is pulled. Maybe all of the above.
2) Higher octane leads to better results even on the 91 map.
3) E85 blend is awesome (cooling effects?), though long term effects of increased alcohol content has its risks.
4) Roc Euro intake probably did not cause the gain seen by my previous dyno. More likely the effects of E85.
5) Going back to the 91 map from 93, sucks!
I will eventually try out different 91 stations in my area in addition to logging when the ACES IV fuel catalyst comes in. Happy driving!