You need to call and talk to Unitronic. The first one is a fuel pressure code, could be the tune or could be one of the pumps flaking out on you or not being strong enough from the factory for some reason (some newer B8.5 cars used to have issues like this a year or so ago with one of the other tunes from another vendors). The second code is not a good one and pertains to the flashing of the ECM from what I can find. I'd suggest calling Uni and see what they say. ALWAYS call the tuning company if you have issues after a flash or even before if you're running their product. That said, since the second code has to do with ECM flashing fault (from what I can find), you can try reflashing back to your tuned stage and then starting the car and then flash back after driving it for a bit to recharge the battery back up to acceptable flash levels. You can't let that go down too much while you're flashing. Also, if you haven't been told already, turn off the interior lights, the headlights and anything else taking electricity while flashing. Don't turn off the radio, but mute it all the way and obviously, turn off the HVAC system in the car as well. None of that stuff should be on.