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    Senior Member Three Rings TheRedGlacier's Avatar
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    How to replace parking/turn signal bulb?

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    Hey guys, I've had a burnt out parking light filament for awhile now, and I would like to replace the passenger side parking light. I can't find a DIY online for a B5.. I'm trying to restore my B5 to proper shape. She's running at 199,800 miles, and still going strong. But she deserves proper treatment.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings Wrath And Tears's Avatar
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    What parking light are we talking about here, front or rear. I would assume front since you mention parking light / turn signal. That makes the most important question what kind of headlights do you have, one piece or two? If you have the older style, the two piece design, you have to locate the locking tab, undo it with a screwdriver, and then press down on the release tab and pull just the turn signal lense out. Pretty sure you access the tab through a cutout in the fender that is visible with the hood open.

    If you have the two piece I think you just reach down in there and twist the bulb holder counterclockwise (i'm pretty sure) then pull it out. Not 100% on that, I'll check with mine, although mine are one piece on a pre facelift car so I might not have access like a facelift car might. Looks like if you try hard enough you could change the bulb without removing the headlight, otherwise removing the headlight is just three T30 bolts, two up top and one in back on the bottom of the assembly. The rear bolt doesn't need to be removed all the way, just loosened I think. Then you gotta do a little dance with the headlight while pulling it out to remove the headlight post from the receiver which is in the front lower inner corner of the light.
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