Background: my buddy and I installed the Bilstein B12 Pro Kit 2 weeks ago. Per Bilstein I removed the front bump stops and trimmed the rears. Only had some minor knocking from front passenger but nothing major. Pulled the wheel, everything was snug tight. Friday I had an alignment done and ask the shop to see if they notice anything - they don't. Drive the car home, now I have rattling coming from both sides. Pull the wheels, everything looks good on both sides, even placed a jack stand underneath and used the floor jack to life the rotor and still looks good.
Next day I take my buddy for a ride, he thinks the alignment shop did something. Parked car and when I come back out an hour later I have a pool of fluid on my driveway. Pull the wheel again - it's hydraulic fluid coming from the shock. Way more so on the left but visible on the right as well.
Anyone else ran into this issue? Could the alignment shop done something to create this issue? I plan on calling Bilstein this morning but wanted to get input from the community as well. This wasn't my first rodeo and used every resource on this forum as well as the stasis guide and st guide from ECS for guidance along the way.
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