Car was stuck in Econ.
First scan I got the code:
00819 - High Pressure Sensor (G65): Signal too Low
Replaced the sensor. Car still in Econ... whatever, forget about it for a year or so.
Read a bunch more on it, figure it's either the low gas, fans or FCM.
Have a guy try to re-gas my AC, it holds vacuum fine for 10+ minutes... it starts to accept freon, building pressure, then stops, needle drops to 0.
I figure the compressor won't kick on to suck in more gas, because the fans don't work, as a failsafe to not burn it up?
Scanned car again, got two codes:
01152 - Coolant Fan Control Circuit 1 Electrical Malfunction P0480, Lower Limit Reached - Intermittent
01152 - Coolant Fan Control Circuit 1 Electrical Malfunction P0480, No Signal/No Communication - Intermittent
Replaced the fans last week, manually tested them straight from the battery, they both spin up beautifully.
Bolt everything back together.
AC fan didn't turn on with the AC on... blah.
Both fans came on after I was sitting in a drive-thru after driving for ~20minutes. Wasn't expecting that.

Buy new fan control module, install it today.
AC fan doesn't turn on with AC on... blah.
Didn't hear any fans come on while idling anywhere.
The AC "works", it blows cool air out the vents, not ice cold, but not warm, probably because of the bit of gas that was able to be accepted earlier.
Checked every single fuse in the panel, all working.
Checked the 5 fuses under the windshield cowl box for the hell of it, all good.
I don't know what to do now?
