Hey Bjyorko,
I perfectly understand where you are coming from. I can certainly cut out some templates and have that available if people are more interested in that (not to mention it would be more much cheaper). I will have to think on how I can mass produce this in a way that is "dummy" proof so others can produce a stellar result on their own. The hard part of doing this is that the passenger side needs to have the interplastic parts cut out, furthermore the honey comb mesh comes with a square backing that needs to be sanded down or cut out otherwise it is hard to manipulate onto the grill. Furthermore cutting the mesh to exactness to fit the grill is THE hardest and longest part of this all. Place on, cut a millimeter off, then replace back on exactly the same way every time otherwise you under/over cut. Once you over cut there will be a tiny gap where the mesh does not meet the foglight frame (at that point you have to redue, live with it, or rebuilt the plastic part).I can cut a template to try out, but doing this on my car, I know the template would only save you like 4-5 hours. The hardest part, will still exist. I can duplicate the one I have on my car, but even then the meshes don't match (ie the mesh for the passenger is a bit smaller than the one for the driver because of the interplastic parts that is cut out of the passenger. Futhermore you have to cut out the interplastic part the same way I did, with a heated exacto knife, otherwise they may not fit.
This is all moot really if you are not OCD about having a perfect, flush contact of the mesh and onto the fog light. I have a template already outlined, but I know when I cut it out there is still gonna be about 3-5 hours of work that needs to be done to modify for a perfect fit. Lastly, take a look at the picture I posted about how it is glued on. If you don't care for it to fit that way, meaning you can just lay it on top over everything (doing so would produce a gap between the parallel bars of the foglights, or a gap where everything meets) then that can be done in a heart beat. In my opinion, if you own an Audi S4 or S-Line, and you care that much about getting aesthetics things done, you are vain as I am and therefore settle for nothing. Do it once do it right and make it look boss as hell. That was my running mantra.
However, let me know if you are interested in just the cut out and we can work something out. I am here to answer any other questions you may have.