Hi all,
Recently got an S4 to replace my aging TT. Curious what those of you with dogs are doing in terms of seat covers, etc.
I have an 8 week old puppy to pick up soon. My last dog passed away in April (70 pound labrador) but this time much smaller with a 35 pound shiba inu.
Front seat, back seat, curious to see it all. Whatever is working well for you and your pal / buddy / princess / euro tuning diva dog.
Going to get the dog a vest/seatbelt setup as soon as it is old enough to wear one, and will have a small crate to use during the first months (or so).
I may get one of those "hammock" style seat covers for the back seat - if any of you are really happy with yours, would love to know brand (sometimes these things don't fit well).