I talked to an Audi parts guy yesterday who said this wouldn't work so went I back to the German guy I was talking to before. Hers what he had to say:
audi can only replace the same partnumber,the guys cant do any retrofit with other partnumber
we here in germany can do all possible retrofits with different partnumbers by using rosstech
so your only way is to find someone who can and want to help you in this case
From his next message to me:
dealer has to match the "component protection",this is a easy online function which can only do a audi dealer
the dealer also can read out the coding of your old unit (if the unit isnt broken),and he can also write it manually in the new unit. but i dont know if he know that his diagnostic computer has the function,its a little bit hidden in the menu
the easyist way ist to read out the coding from old unit and write it in the new.
another way is to read out the coding of the old unit,at audi dealer or rosstech,it doesnt matter and then you give me the coding and i write it to the new unit bevor shippin
So it sounds like it's very much a possibility. Now I need to find someone in Hawaii with a cable since I'm an apple guy and don't have my Macbook with boot camp any longer. And of course the other debate: interior mod or exterior mod (KW HAS) first!