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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings Dannaye's Avatar
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    Random car rattle.

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    I was driving at a speed of 30 and my dog walked over my dash and hit the ESP button and it turned off then I turned it back on instantly and a few seconds later the car had a pretty serious rattle as if the transmission dropped (exaggeration) but it was pretty bad and scary. I pulled over and nothing underneath seems out of place, I do notice a small sound that wasn't there before

    Sent from my iPhone using Audizine mobile app
    Last edited by Dannaye; 06-30-2016 at 09:27 PM.
    Instagram @Dannaye

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings Dannaye's Avatar
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    Orlando FL

    Drove by the area it happened and noticed what I thought was a piece to my car on the ground and I turned around, put my hazards on and picked it up

    It's like a manhole cover or something along the lines. When I got home I tried putting the piece under my car and it didn't fit (lowered car). I'm just scared to jack up the car to see what it damaged with the spikey tips

    Sent from my iPhone using Audizine mobile app
    Instagram @Dannaye

  3. #3
    Senior Member Two Rings MrTylerRaines's Avatar
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    Feb 21 2015
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dannaye View Post
    Drove by the area it happened and noticed what I thought was a piece to my car on the ground and I turned around, put my hazards on and picked it up

    It's like a manhole cover or something along the lines. When I got home I tried putting the piece under my car and it didn't fit (lowered car). I'm just scared to jack up the car to see what it damaged with the spikey tips

    Sent from my iPhone using Audizine mobile app



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