I've searched and come up with varying results- I'm doing my second TB on my 3.0, and the first time I did it with no specialty tools, with much trouble. This time, I purchased a timing tool kit and I'm all in for doing it correctly.
I'm having a hard time with this particular bolt. I removed the A/C compressor and the aux coolant pump, and I'm down to what I believe is the crank lock plug. Only problem is, I didn't fully engage my 6mm hex socket (only about 2-3mm engaged) and I attempted to loosen. I found that I've successfully mucked up the bolt's first bit of head by twisting the bit around. I'm working to clean it up to get a proper engagement, but I thought I should ask, and share a picture. Is this the crank lock plug? Because I've damaged the head, does it seem like it would be worth procuring needle-nose locking pliers to try to grip this thing out?
Thanks in advance!