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Major emissions part removed and switched out to anything, especially now.... Audi would definitely reject if the need comes for a major warranty claim... Audi sends out service engineers to inspect cars requiring major warranty work before giving the dealership the okay....
Major warranty work would justify the ~$300 to remove the HFC and install the stock cat before taking it in.
I'm not sure a HFC would void the warranty, it does not really modify the car, it is still a cat and provides the same function, albeit just a little more free flowing

Ya I know, I'm probably wrong. But I bet some, or more than half dealers would not give you any problem with a HFC, hell would they even notice?
I installed one a few months ago. Immediately felt the improved performance, lower RPM turbo spool etc, but now I feel like the ECU has adapted and I have lost any power gains, it feels like stock again. Is this possible? Could be just me getting used to the few extra HP. Perhaps my gas mileage got a bit better (less losses in the system). I cannot wait to go stage 2, but still have CPO for another 8 months. Marginal oil consumption (had stage 1 fix last November, and it is much better).