Welcome to the club! While we may be a bit far away for an oil change, we'd be happy to quote you out for any of your scheduled maintenance or performance upgrade needs.
We also have a large Get Together and Open House coming up next month, and would be excited to have you join us! It's a great way to meet fellow Audi enthusiasts and see a wide variety of enthusiast-owned cars. You can see pictures from last year's event
here, and I've posted some info on this year's event below.
034Motorsport's 8th Annual Get Together, Dyno Day, and Open House
034Motorsport be hosting the 3rd Annual NorCal Audi Club SummerFest as well as the 8th Annual 034Motorsport Dyno Day & Open House on Saturday, July 23rd! They'll have all of the attractions you're used to, as well as a few extras:
Cars & Enthusiasts - Bring your stock or modified Audi or Volkswagen, meet fellow enthusiasts, see their cars, and get an in-depth look at some of 034Motorsport's race cars and projects.
Discounted Products - They will be offering 10% off all 034Motorsport-branded products and merchandise at the event, including performance parts and tuning.
Free Raffle - Everyone who attends can enter their name (once, only once) (no, really, you can't enter your dog or cat, we'll notice) in our free raffle, featuring items from 034Motorsport.
Dyno Runs - They are offering great deals on baseline dynos, and accepting 20 cars. See what you car makes on our Mustang AWD Dyno, or just check out some of the other cars doing pulls. Click here to pre-register and get a free 034Motorsport T-Shirt:
Open House - They will be giving tours of the 034Motorsport Facility, including our Service Department. This is your chance to see how our parts are made, and get a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on here at 034.
Free BBQ – 034Motorsport’s Founder & President, Javad Shadzi, will be grilling up delicious food for all of our attendees! We’ll do our best not to run out of food, but make sure to come early just in case.