One of the best meets in the tri state area in my opinion is cars and coffee. Perhaps as I get a little older the thought of going to a meet with a bunch of lunatics who think doing burnouts in their stock (insert car name here) doesn't exactly do much for me. With that being said I would like to invite everyone to come out to cars and coffee in Millstone, New Jersey.
It's a bit of an older crowd with some real gems making their way to the meet. Supercars, muscle cars, vintage cars, trucks, and everything in between can be seen at cars and coffee and it would be great to get a few more audis to come out. It's as laid back as can be and everyone parks in a huge industrial park which allows you to make a lap and see every car in attendance.
The meet starts at 8am on Sunday and is $10.00 (coffee and donuts included).
2016 Meet Dates:
Sunday, June 26th
Sunday, July 31st
Sunday, August 21st
Sunday, September 25th
Sunday, October 16th
Car & Coffee NJ
8:00AM to 10:30AM
Moto Business Park
400 Rike Drive
Millstone Township, NJ 08535
(1 Mile South of Route 33 off Prodelin Way)