OK, getting ready to do brakes after 40K miles. Have always driven manual transmissions, and have a question about the process of "stopping after bedding" to put put the car in park.
ECS posted this earlier, and this is how I've always bedded new pads:
Make eight to ten near-stops from 60mph to about 20 mph. Do it HARD by pressing the brakes firmly, but do not lock the wheels or engage ABS. At the end of each slowdown, immediately accelerate back to 60mph, then apply the brakes again. DO NOT COME TO A COMPLETE STOP! If you stop completely, with your foot on the brake pedal, pad material will be imprinted onto the hot rotors, which could lead to vibration and uneven braking.
So,. after coming back home and going down the hill of my driveway, how do you slow down and then put the car in park and shut it down, without coming to a complete stop?? (thus depositing pad material on the rotors) If it's in gear, it's going to keep moving...