Last week I installed stainless steel brake lines and flushed with new RBF600 fluid. Went out last night to bed in the brakes (as I do a couple times every year) then this morning rebleed the brakes. Got a few small bubbles out on the first opening on each calliper. When I was doing the last calliper I noticed what I think are very tiny bubbles. I did the bleed 10 more times and it's always the same result. I took a video of what I'm seeing. The process I am using to bleed is have someone pump the brake pedal and hold it, the I crack the bleeder open, let out some fluid, close bleeder, repeat.
I don't remember seeing this in the others but maybe it was there and I just missed it.
I double checked all the connections and they seem tight.
Is this something I should be concerned about? Is this just from the way I pressurize the system before opening the bleeder?