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  1. #1
    Active Member One Ring
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    Navigation Issue

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    Hello Everyone! just joined here.. I have an '08 A5 3.2 6MT with 71k miles and never had a problem before until a few days ago when my GPS took me out at sea for some reason. I was told to hold 3keys and reset the system but it didn't do much so I am told is the Antenna that has gone bad. Anyone had the same Navigation symptoms and is it really the Antenna? Dealer guys aren't too convincing and I just wouldn't want them to star replacing parts at my expense looking for a solution. is the 2G and I know is a dated navigation system and I am OK with that, for everything else and gps precision etc we have smartphones and apps etc. I just would like to have it fixed. Also.. do they need to remove the headliner to access the Antenna? Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings JamesRS5's Avatar
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    Have a read of this thread Berraco:

    Mine nav had exactly the same issues and now works perfectly after replacing the 5F module.

    See how many satellites you are tracking when the issue occurs.


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