I'm in the process of replacing my cam chain tensioner gaskets and seals using the blauparts kit, and I have questions regarding the installation of the camshafts. Looking at the passenger side camshafts, I've counted and marked 16 rollers on the chain (as per blau instructions), and installed the camshafts and tensioner. Problem is, when I align the notch in the chain sprocket with the arrow on the intake side bearing cap, the exhaust side is out of alignment as pictured.
The blau instructions mentioned that the exhaust cam mark would be at a slight angle on the drivers side, but did not mention anything about the passenger side. It also seems to be at more than a slight angle in my case.
Am I safe to install it like this so long as there are 16 chain rollers between the notches in the chain sprocket? Also, should the intake or the exhaust notch be aligned with the mark on the bearing cap when installing?